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Posts on December 2023 Law

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A financial settlement in divorce is an agreement between both parties on how to split all relevant assets, including things like property, savings, investments and pensions. If there are children involved, it could also set out the details of child maintenance payments going forward.
When a family breaks down, it’s inevitably a difficult time and understandably, very important that any children involved are still supported both emotionally and financially. Time spent with each parent should enable children to thrive.
We understand that making the decision to see a divorce solicitor can be pretty nerve-wracking, but you’ve made that first step! From your first meeting with us, you want to walk away feeling informed, with knowledge of your options and a plan for moving forward.
Coming to the decision that your marriage has come to an end is not an easy time. There is heightened emotion and you will also be faced with the difficulties surrounding practicalities of the divorce procedure itself and the financial implications of the separation.
Not the most exciting part of owning a website - but nonetheless, essential to note that certain information must be included in order for your website to be legally compliant. This process can often be forgotten about until of course, something goes awry.