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Do I need a Lasting Power of Attorney?

Many people think about making a Will, so that their loved ones are provided for following their death, but they do not consider how they can ensure their affairs are managed during their lives.

Many people think about making a Will, so that their loved ones are provided for following their death, but they do not consider how they can ensure their affairs are managed during their lives.

LPA’s (Lasting Powers of Attorney) allow people to choose someone they trust to make decisions on their behalf if something happens and they are unable to make decisions for themselves.

LPAs are as important as having a Will for ensuring your wishes are followed.
While an estimated 40% of the adult UK population has a Will – less than 1% has an LPA.

5 good reasons to take action:

  1. Trust – you choose the person or people in charge of making decisions which affect you. Making an LPA ensures that the person you want to make the decisions for you will be able to do so. This prevents a stranger or someone you may not trust, from having this power.
  2. Reducing problems – you make things easier for your relatives should anything happen to you. An LPA can reduce problems that may occur in the future. It can be more expensive, time consuming and stressful for family and friends to try to gain a similar power in the future.
  3. Reassurance – It can be reassuring to know that, if you are unable to make a decision for yourself in the future, your chosen person will make these decisions for you in your best interests.
  4. Prompt decisions – making an LPA can help prompt decisions with your family or others about your future wishes.
  5. No LPA? The Court of Protection may need to appoint someone to take decisions if mental capacity is lost.

How to make an LPA:

We prepare and register LPA’s for a fixed fee of £399 plus VAT.  A discount will be offered if we prepare two Powers of Attorney for spouses, civil partners or co-habitees.  There is a registration fee of £82 payable to the Office of the Public Guardian upon registration of the Power of Attorney.

Contact us for further advice on 01792 468684 or email

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