Posts on DIY Divorce Law

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Divorce is one of life’s most challenging experiences, and the desire to minimise costs and complications often leads to many considering a DIY approach. While handling your divorce without professional legal advice could save money upfront, it comes with significant risks that could cost you more in the long run - both financially and emotionally.
The term ‘DIY Divorce’ refers to a divorce or dissolution that takes place with little or no legal assistance, often online. This means that the various stages of your divorce are handled by you personally, rather than by a solicitor.
As we move into the new era of “no fault divorce” following its introduction on 06 April 2022 more people will consider applying on-line themselves.
The term ‘DIY Divorce’ refers to a divorce or dissolution that takes place with little or no legal assistance, often online. This means that the various stages of your divorce are handled by you personally, rather than by a solicitor.
The term ‘DIY Divorce’ refers to a divorce or dissolution that takes place with little or no legal assistance, often online. This means that the various stages of your divorce are handled by you personally, rather than by a solicitor.