Posts on Finance Law

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A financial settlement in divorce is an agreement between both parties on how to split all relevant assets, including things like property, savings, investments and pensions. If there are children involved, it could also set out the details of child maintenance payments going forward.
With the introduction of no-fault divorce, many couples are still unaware that when you have gone through the final steps of divorce, finances can still be claimed by your ex-partner until a Financial Order is made by the Court. A Consent Order is recommended for this reason, even if neither party is seeking an adjustment of assets.
For many people, particularly the elderly, it makes sense to consider what may happen to a beloved pet in the event of their death, however, it is still estimated that thousands of pet owners in the UK die each year without making arrangements for their pets in their Wills.
Did you know that there are two different types of Lasting Powers of Attorney?  If you do – “top of the class”; if you didn’t know, well, you’re excused because most people do not know about the Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney.