Posts on Pre Nup Law

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At PGM Solicitors we have a dedicated and highly experienced family law department. Our solicitors handle each case on an individual basis, knowing that each client has their own specific circumstances and requirements.
Perhaps this is something to think about post Valentine’s Day, if you happen to get engaged! And yes, we get it – a prenuptial agreement probably sounds like a pretty unromantic concept…
Despite the introduction of the no-fault divorce this year, pre-nuptial agreements are still a good idea. Ultimately, the no-fault divorce system is going to make things easier. The process is still the same but there is now a cooling off period which we did not have before, so it is likely to take longer than it did previously. The positive difference of course is that one party will not have to make allegations of the other at the start of the case.
Prenuptial agreements probably sound like the most unromantic concept imaginable to newly-engaged couples. It is considered some-what of a taboo topic but a ‘prenup’ is definitely something that should be discussed if you’re planning on getting married.