Posts on Separation Law

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In today's digital age, social media plays a huge role in shaping our lives, including legal matters.
Coming to the decision that your marriage has come to an end is not an easy time and there will inevitably be stressful periods, navigating an unfamiliar process, with various factors to consider.
The term ‘DIY Divorce’ refers to a divorce or dissolution that takes place with little or no legal assistance, often online. This means that the various stages of your divorce are handled by you personally, rather than by a solicitor.
Separation and divorce is an emotional time for everyone involved. Depending on your circumstances and key priorities, making changes to your Will might seem like the last thing on your mind. But none of us knows what the future holds, so it makes sense to protect the ones you love and want to care for with an up to date Will.
We understand that dealing with the end of a marriage can be an upsetting and stressful time. With emotions heightened you might not know which route to take for the best. You may feel a divorce is too drastic if there is hope for reconciliation which is where a separation comes in – but what are the main differences?
Coming to the decision that your marriage/civil partnership has come to an end is not an easy time for anyone.  During this time of heightened emotion you will also be faced with the difficulties of the practicalities of the divorce procedure itself and the financial implications of the separation.
For some, the prospect of being quarantined with their partner will be a welcome opportunity to spend time together, yet for others, it may force tensions in their relationship to rise to the surface. Therefore, many couples could be very likely facing the reality of a relationship breakdown in due course.
A pet to many is a member of the family, a loved one – so when a relationship breaks down, the battle for who keeps the pet can become difficult, with some owners even opting to go to court to determine who should be the one to take ownership.
Before we know it, Christmas will be upon us. If it is your first family Christmas during or following divorce or separation from a partner, we understand that it can be a particularly difficult time.
As we get closer to Christmas and beyond, it is a sad fact that divorce rates begin to rise. January has historically been the busiest time of year for divorce lawyers.