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Posts on February 2018 Law

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This month, the UK Goverrnment published its long awaited response to Good Work, the Taylor Review’s independent report into modern working practices.
If snow affects your ability to get to work, it can raise a number of questions! So, if you’re an employee, what are your rights?
Recently we have dealt with a number of clients who have purchased the freehold title to their property. The problem with leasehold properties is that every year the cost of the freehold will increase and as the term of the lease diminishes even further, the price will escalate quite dramatically.
Moving in with your partner or buying a house together, when you are not yet married needs a little extra thought before proceeding. From a legal point of view, there are a few things to consider.
The GDPR introduces the concept of accountability.  Governance under the GDPR must be transparent. Data controllers and processors must put in place comprehensive but proportionate systems of governance.
The GDPR comes into force in the UK on 25 May 2018. It replaces the Data Protection Act 1998. It applies to data processors within the EU and also to organisations outside the EU who sell goods and services into the EU.