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Posts on April 2020 Law

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The natural feelings of uncertainty will, of course be made worse for the many people who have just lost their jobs. Fears of financial difficulty are piled upon worries for your own health and the health of loved ones. All this can be a distraction, but distractions can lead to even greater problems.
The UK Supreme Court has handed down its judgment in the case of a claim brought against Morrisons supermarkets by various former and current employees. The claim relates to a data breach which occurred in 2014.
For some, the prospect of being quarantined with their partner will be a welcome opportunity to spend time together, yet for others, it may force tensions in their relationship to rise to the surface. Therefore, many couples could be very likely facing the reality of a relationship breakdown in due course.
It is important to make a Will, no matter how old you are. You are ensuring that the people you want to benefit from your estate will inherit it.