Posts on Disputes Law

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Co-parenting after a divorce can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also create a stable and supportive environment.
Disputes can often arise regarding the position of the legal boundary between neighbouring properties. While a boundary often appears to be demarcated by a physical feature such as a fence or hedge; a legal boundary is in effect a two-dimensional line which separates two properties.
Having a subcontractor agreement in place can help prevent various disputes and conflicts in construction and trade projects.
Running a business is not always easy. There can be a lot of red tape and admin and not enough time to actually do the work. This is often made worse by clients who are reluctant or slow payers.
The death of a loved one is always a difficult time. The situation can unfortunately be made even more stressful if it is discovered that the deceased’s last Will is not as family members and friends may have expected, particularly if it is felt that the Will does not reflect the deceased’s true wishes as they had previously expressed them.
During the lockdown period, thousands of people took the opportunity to repair and upgrade their homes. Often, tradespeople were employed to carry out these works.
Following on from our last blog re boundary disputes, our latest insight highlights the other common problem areas you may find yourself in with the neighbour next door.
As we reach the anniversary of the country being locked down and as we look to the future where more and more people are now working from home, it is inevitable that the current world of work has changed, possibly for many years to come.
On two occasions in the past couple of weeks we have received phone calls from builders who have been contacted by their local Trading Standards department. The scenario has been the same in both cases, which is that they have carried out work for a householder who has then decided that they are not happy with some point or other.
Making a Will is often something that gets forgotten about but everyone should have one. It is even more important if you have children, you own property or have savings, investments, insurance policies or you own a business.